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Increase Workplace Productivity with Plants: The Science Behind it

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The concept of using plants to increase workplace productivity has gained traction in recent years. A global study showed that workspaces with natural elements like plants had 6% higher employee productivity compared to spaces without greenery. The same study revealed a 15% higher well-being score for employees when plants were present in offices.

This link between productivity, well-being, and natural elements in work environments highlights an opportunity for companies to optimise performance through simple changes. The findings suggest that incorporating plants in the workplace can provide measurable benefits.

Study Shows Productivity Increase with Office Plants

The study referenced above surveyed over 7,600 office workers across Europe. It found that employees working in environments with natural elements were not only more productive, but also took fewer sick days. Offices with greenery saw up to 1.6 fewer sick days per employee annually.

With increased focus and fewer absences, plants contribute directly to the bottom line through more working time and higher quality output when employees are present.

Well-Being and Productivity Intertwined

The research highlights the interdependent nature of well-being and productivity. Environments that improve employee health and satisfaction also enable better work performance. Small additions like office plants can start this positive chain reaction.

By supporting well-being through natural elements, companies empower the heightened productivity that follows. This illustrates the multifaceted value plants can bring to the workplace.

The Impact of Plants on Workplace Productivity

According to a global study conducted across multiple countries, incorporating plants into office spaces was associated with a 6% increase in workplace productivity. The study analysed over 200 workplaces and found that those with natural elements like plants tended to see higher performance and efficiency from employees.

In addition to the productivity boost, the study also revealed a 15% higher well-being score reported by employees in greener offices. Researchers suggest this is linked to the stress-reducing effects and positive psychological benefits that being around plants can provide.

The same study also revealed that a greener office space could reduce sick days per person, per year, by up to 1.6 days. The acoustic benefits of plants help reduce noise, which is vital for hybrid workers who work at home and in offices. Plants absorb sound, reduce echoes and help to minimise distractions.

Practical Implications

The findings from this global study highlight the tangible impacts even small changes like adding plants can have. Beyond just livening up a previously sterile office, incorporating greenery can lead to measurable improvements in employee health, happiness, and work output.

As companies look for creative ways to boost productivity post-pandemic, bringing elements of nature indoors with plants offers an accessible and affordable option. The data shows such small environmental tweaks can have an outsized positive influence.

The Science Behind Plants and Productivity

Plants can have profound psychological and physiological effects on people. Studies have shown that simply having greenery around can lower stress hormones like cortisol and increase positive feelings. The calming nature of plants likely stems from their connections to nature and life itself.

Calming and Stress Reduction

Having plants in the workplace has been linked to lower reported stress levels among employees. One study found that participants who did clerical work in a room with plants rated themselves as less stressed and more attentive than those without plants. The researchers theorised that plants help create a more positive and relaxing environment.

Improved Air Quality

Plants can also contribute to better indoor air quality. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis. Some varieties are especially good at removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other pollutants from the air. With cleaner air, workers may find it easier to focus and think clearly.

Increased Cognitive Function

With their stress-reducing qualities and air purifying abilities, plants seem able to boost workplace cognitive function. One study found that call center workers processed calls 6-12% faster when plants were added to their workspace. The researchers suggested that plants helped improve concentration, attention span and general cognitive abilities.

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Incorporating Plants in the Workplace

When incorporating plants into the office environment, there are a few key considerations. First, look at the available space and lighting. Plants that are suitable for bright, sunny spots may not thrive in darker corners. Similarly, the amount of space will dictate what size and how many plants can be accommodated.

Types of Office Plants

In terms of specific varieties, here are some top picks for office greenery:

  • Snake plants – These hardy plants can tolerate low light and irregular watering, making them perfect beginner plants.
  • Pothos – With cascading vines and variegated leaves, pothos make excellent hanging plants in brighter spaces.
  • Peace lilies – These plants help purify indoor air and don’t require much light or maintenance.
  • Succulents – Mini succulent arrangements add a pop of color and thrive with little care.

Caring for Office Plants

While most office plants are relatively easy to maintain, they do require some basic care. It’s important to water plants regularly and prune any dead leaves or stems. Grouping plants together can make maintenance easier. Consider designating one person to be in charge of caring for the office greenery.

When first introducing plants, start slowly and see what works well in your environment before adding more. This allows you to gauge the commitment for maintenance and choose varieties that thrive. With some initial planning and ongoing care, plants can transform any office into an oasis!

Conclusion – Boost Your Workplace Productivity with Plants

Incorporating plants into the workplace provides numerous benefits that can boost employee productivity. As summarised throughout this blog post, the presence of greenery has been shown to increase well-being by 15% and productivity by up to 6%.

On a psychological level, plants have a calming, stress-reducing effect that facilitates greater creativity and focus. Physiologically, they improve air quality and reduce noise levels – both factors that optimise cognitive function.

With simple, practical changes like strategic placement of potted plants and garden spaces, employers can transform their office environments. Employees are likely to take less sick days, have higher energy levels, and experience less burnout.

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