Plants increase property value

Trees and nature reduce stress!

Whether you live in a smart city apartment, a cute 2 up 2 down, or a detached home in the suburbs, there are few properties which cannot improve their value by improving their doorstep appeal. Whether you have the luxury of trees standing majestically in your street or not it’s a well known fact that a view of trees and nature can dramatically reduce stress. In a study published by the university of Illinois, researchers have found that even looking at pictures of greenery can be sufficient to lower stress. Researchers found that research study participants who were stressed became significantly less so. In fact it was found that when participants looked at natural images in the experiment, their stress levels lowered, thanks to the activation of their parasympathetic nervous system – which controls certain rest functions.” If it lowers stress levels to look at pictures of nature, imagine what it must do if you can see and touch trees and shrubs at your front door!

There are so many different types of trees and shrubs that you can use to improve your kerb appeal regardless of how big or small your property is. For example, even if you only have a balcony, a small set of carefully topiaried trees can really give your property a very high end appeal and increase the value which viewers place on it.

A carefully staged front approach to your property can really provide a strong impression. Compare a front driveway or entrance hall where there is clutter, litter and an untidy patio or front garden with one which is neatly manicured and has some well placed topiary or miniature ornamental trees. There really is no comparison! Adding some trees and shrubs to your front entrance will not only demonstrate that your property is well cared for and much loved, but it will also soften the hard edges, add a great deal of interest and some style as well as adding that very important green space where visitors can feel instantly relaxed just by their very presence.

Find out more? Call Aztec Plants on 01553 617060!

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