Plants improve mental health

When you run a business you soon realise that the success of it relies heavily on the staff that you employ. They are the ones that deal with the customers, ensure that projects are completed, and are the face of your business. They have been described as your company’s greatest asset.

This means that it is vital that you look after them, otherwise you could see a decline in your business and what you can achieve. Mental health in the workplace is something that you can affect for the good.

Why is staff wellbeing good for business?

There are a variety of reasons why staff wellbeing is good for your business. One of the ways is that it makes it a great and sought after place to work. This means that you could see some talented people attracted to your business, and want to know more about they can work there.

Not only this, but by paying more attention to the wellbeing of your staff, you can reduce the rate of absenteeism, which means that your staff will be around to make sure that things get done. You won’t have to re-distribute all those key tasks, or recruit someone else to cover the work. All plus points for you.

Finally, your staff will be motivated to work for you, they will want to come to work, they will want to try their hardest, and they will see your end goal as their end goal. A great way to make sure that you achieve the success that you crave.

How can I improve it?

Want to try and improve the level of staff wellbeing in your business? There are a number of ways that you can do this.

You could offer flexible working options and hours to achieve a greater balance between their working life and their home life. You could raise awareness of mental health issues, and encourage an open forum where they can discuss anything that is concerning them. Occupational health and employee assistance programmes, all of which are designed to support your employees if they feel that they need help.You could also have on site mental health first aiders. People who are trained to help their fellow employees at times when they may need someone to talk to.

More amazingly it can be the small touches that can really help. Indoor and outdoor plants are proven to improve the look of a space and the air quality too. But the presence of plants and flowers in a workplace that lighten the mood and contribute to that feelgood factor that has real influence on how your employees feel.

The use of plants can have a real benefit to your staff, and in turn, your bottom line! Its a subject that Aztec Plants has real experience with and we can help you! Call us on 01553 617040 to find out more

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