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Air Purifying Plants And Why You Need Them

Mental health awareness

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You might not realise it, but air quality is something that is important to us all, especially in the workplace where we are all likely to spend a large chunk of our time.

Over time, toxic compounds can be released into the air, from upholstery, building materials and cleaning products, all of which reduces the quality of the air that we are breathing.

There are also a number of indoor air pollutants that can be found, such as pollen, bacteria and mould.

So, it comes as no surprise that we really should be making an effort to improve the quality of the air that we all breathe. What you may not know is that help can come in the most unlikely form.

Plants may be just what you need

Plants, in their variety of forms can really help purify the air that we are all breathing. In fact, by adding some potted plants to your home or office, you will feel that the air around you is much cleaner.

NASA commissioned a Clean Air Study which suggested that toxic agents such as formaldehyde, trichloroethlene and benzene could be removed from the air naturally by the provision certain common indoor plants.

This is because plants are able to absorb some of the bad particles that are floating around in the air. This is all whilst they take in carbon dioxide. Not only this but the microorganisms that can be found in the potting soil that the plants call home, they also help with the cleaning effect too!  Research has also shown that air cleaning is most efficiently accomplished with at least one plant per 100 square feet of office space.

Which plants are best?

Thinking about bringing some plants into your home and office to improve the air quality? These are the best choices to make when searching for the right plant.

Garden Chrysanthemum

One of the most inexpensive choices on the list, this particular flower can be bought in a number of different garden stores. It is ideal for planting both indoors and outdoors and is not only bright and colourful, but also can remove a huge amount of different pollutants including benzene and ammonia.

Not only are plants amazing at making the air around you cleaner, but they also make people feel great too. They brighten up a space, make everyone feel better and can even help people to focus. That is why there really is no reason not to buy some new plants for your home or office.

Spider Plant

Known to be really easy to grow, spider plants may be simple to look at, but that doesn’t mean that they are not great additions to your office or home. These plants love nothing more than being sat in the indirect sunlight and will soak it up, growing new little shoots.

Spider plants can remove formaldehyde and xylene from the air with ease.

Dracaena Plants

With a number of different varieties to choose from (40 in fact) these plants are great for your office. They are common plants that come with lovely wide leaves that look beautiful.

If you are thinking that you would like to have these leaves in your home, then you will need to keep in mind that they are toxic to cats and dogs. If this isn’t a problem then you can wave goodbye to any xylene, trichloroethylene and benzene all thanks to this plant.

These are just some of the plants that you can have to help keep the air around you pure and clean. Aztec Plants can assist you in selecting the most efficient and aesthetically pleasing indoor plants to help purify the air in your office.


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