What Your Reception Says About Your Business

Aztec flowers in a reception

First impressions count in your business, and when it comes to creating an impact on a visitor, your reception area is one of the key elements to focus on. After all, not only is the first port of call when a customer comes in, but it is also a place that they are likely to stay sat in for a period of time.

But what does your reception say about your business and why is this important?

It is an extension of your brand

Your brand is vital to the success of your business, and you can use this space to reflect your colour scheme, visuals and an overall impression of the culture of your business of a whole.

It shows that you care about how you look

A business that takes pride in their appearance is likely to be one that cares about the service they provide. Therefore, you should always make sure that your reception area is well decorated, neat and tidy!

It gives your employees a boost

Your reception area is not only the place that your customers will spend time, but your staff will come through there too. If you have a bright, cheerful and well decorated reception then your employees will feel better about coming to work. They are more likely to work productively and efficiently, which is great for a business.

You can show off your values

Many of us care about the environment, which means that we look for ways to ensure that our customers know we are a business who is eco aware. Flowers and plants in your reception area are definitely a way to go, as these show that you know how to make the most of your reception area, and that you also care about the environment! It could be that vital difference that makes a prospect choose you over your competitors!

A simple way that you can make an impression in your reception area is to add in some brightly coloured blooms. Flowers are a cost effective and impactful means of making sure that your reception area looks great, and they are also a lovely addition to have. Or if you want something that is a little different, then why not install a green wall instead? Either way, here at Aztec Plants we can help you with the blooms and plants that make the difference.

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